Thursday, March 3, 2016

Skin Therapist Shares How To Make Carrot Oil

Carrot popularly referred to as "Karoto" by the Ancient Greeks is one of nature's greatest gift to humanity,no wonder an average person will consume 10,866 carrots in a lifetime.

Carrots are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, beta-carotene(responsible for its orange color) and  a multitude of other antioxidants.. The taproot of carrot( the edible part) serves a variety of purposes. From health benefits related to consumption to cosmetic uses.

 They moisturize the skin ensuring a healthier and glowing skin. Carrots do not contain enough oils to make their own oil, carrot oil is made by infusing other types of natural oils with carrot pulp.

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The benefits of carrot oil includes; rejuvenating the skin, anti- aging, protecting skin from sunburns and promoting an even skin tone. You don't have to break the bank to experience the wonderful benefits of carrot oil. Follow these steps and see your skin transformed.

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What you will need:
  • A few carrot sticks
  • Olive or coconut oil
  • Grater or blender
  • A muslin cloth
  • Non  sticky pot
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1. Wash and peel the carrots.

2. Julienne your carrots and put in a blender to blend till a thickened paste is formed.

3.Pour blended carrot into a non-sticky pan

4. Pour in any oil of your choice (olive oil or coconut oil.).I use olive oil most times.

5. Put your pot on low heat for 50 minutes to an hour.

6.When the infusion process is completed, pour the carrot pulp and oil mixture through a muslin cloth and strain to separate the oil.

7. Your carrot oil is ready.

N.B:Carrots contain 87% of water and hence, this oil should be used for short term. Incorporating this oil into body lotions or liquid soaps may lead to rancidity( after a period of time).

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Carrot oil is obtained by soaking blendend carrots in organic oil.

Carrot oil has many beneficial and revivifying skin properties and can be added to face masks, moisturizers, lotions, night creams etc. I love to apply carrot oil on my skin in the mornings. How I love the " faux dark yellowish glow " it gives me!

It triggers the build up of new skin cells and ensures cell turnover to retain the skin's suppleness. A young looking, soft and smooth skin is what you get after continous use of this magic oil. It prevents irritations, alleviates irritated skin as well healing parched,rough and split skin. Carrot oil can be used by all for aesthetic purposes. However, pregnant women should consult their healthcare personnel before use.

For this DIY product, I infused 12 blended carrots into about 100ml of olive oil. I got about 40ml of oil after production. Have you made your carrot oil yet?

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